Bram Vanschoenwinkel
The Community Ecology Lab, lead by Bram Vanschoenwinkel investigates drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning from local to global scales. They perform fundamental research on the importance of dispersal and habitat selection in ecological communities and the general importance of connectivity for biodiversity. They often work with terrestrial island habitats such as inselbergs and freshwater ecosystems and investigate - among other topics - the impact of global change on food webs. Applied research lines focus, for instance, on pollination as an important ecosystem service and wetlands as resources for water birds. Models, experiments, surveys and large scale biodiversity databases are used as resources.
- Vandromme, M., van de Sande, E., Pinceel, T., Vanhove, W., Trekels, H., & Vanschoenwinkel, B. (2023). Resolving the identity and breeding habitats of cryptic dipteran cacao flower visitors in a neotropical cacao agroforestry system. Basic and Applied Ecology, 68.
- Hagan, J., Vanschoenwinkel, B. & Gamfeldt, L. (2021) We should not necessarily expect positive relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in observational field data. Ecology Letters 24: 2537-2548
- Trekels, H. and Vanschoenwinkel, B. (2019), Both local presence and regional distribution of predator cues modulate prey colonisation in pond landscapes. Ecology Letters 22: 89-97
Organisatie informatie
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Ixelles